6 Top Next Gen SWG Use Cases

We recently launched a new area on our website dedicated to spotlighting six of the most common use cases our customers are tackling with our Next Gen Secure Web Gateway. The use case explorer introduces each use case, the functional requirements to cover the use case, and a short demo video showcasing how Netskope covers the use case. There is also a companion evaluator guide you can download that will help you evaluate a vendor’s ability to cover each of the use cases.

The use case explorer has been very popular and I have been getting a lot of questions about the content. I thought what better way to address those questions than to blog about it. There is a lot to cover and probably too much for a single blog post, so I will be posting six blogs over the coming weeks, each focusing on a separate use case. Below is the use case lineup:

  1. Monitor and Assess Risk With Cloud App And Web Usage
  2. Granular Control Of Unmanaged Cloud Apps
  3. Provide Web Filtering and Coach Users on Acceptable Use Including Apps
  4. Protect Against Malware and Apply Multi-Layer Advanced Threat Detection
  5. Provide Advanced Data Protection Across The Cloud and Web
  6. Provide Direct-To-Internet Coverage For Remote Offices and Remote Workers

Before we jump into the first use case, I want to focus this first blog post on doing some table setting and introduce you to what a Next Gen SWG is.

Netskope’s Next Gen SWG is a cloud-based security solution that unifies our industry-leading CASB, SWG, and DLP functionality with common policy controls, one DLP engine with reusable compliance templates, and a single console and single agent footprint. This enables security teams to be more operationally efficient, while also improving their ability to detect and stop advanced threats and data loss across the cloud and web.

Our Next Gen SWG also runs on Netskope NewEdge, our global security network that enables the delivery of real-time, cloud-native security without the traditional performance vs security trade-off. NewEdge is one of the world’s largest, fastest, and most resilient security networks, ensuring that security is always on, always present, and never a roadblock.

Whether you are looking for a secure web gateway solution, an inline CASB solution, or simply want to provide your employees with fast and secure access to the cloud and web, please stay tuned for my blog series on the use cases that a Next Gen SWG like Netskope covers. In the meantime, check out the use case area of our website.

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